@metrograph: Friendship btw women has always been one of the biggest sources of confusion in my life. (Comparing to that my relations w men is simple, blunt, almost stupid). The relation btw Apple and Susan is definitely idealistic, yet undeniably real. Perhaps I want to and need to believe in such fantasy. (w/ Li Chen)
Michael Scott有时候有点儿游离居中所有人除了配角之外都有一些不统一不知道是为啥关于我国的部分咱们不就是这样的吗哈哈哈It's good to be a bitch! 我记得第一个开怀大笑的地方就是在指挥中心问谁是美国人科学家的回答……斯里兰卡with O1 visa哈哈哈哈哈哈柏拉图式性爱终于看到拿O1的科学家了